View Profile Joobles
If God lived on Earth, children would break his windows.

Age 34, Male

Pita Pit Slave

North Central College

North Central College

Joined on 12/2/06

Exp Points:
760 / 900
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Latest News

Few, if anyone, will read this; but hey, what the hell? Besides, this way I can pretend that there is another, albiet different, me who is reading this. So, I'll split my mind in half (metaphorically) and create ANOTHER PERSONALITY!!!!

I'll name him...


Yes, Bubbles, that will do.

Anywho, on to the purpose of this news post.

There really isn't any purpose, at least not an interesting one. I've started working on FL again, after quite some time. I'm kicking things off by doing a remake of one of my older songs, Western Gun. Once that's finished, I have a lengthly list of projects on the back burner. One of them is a mostly ambient song inspired somewhat by the band M83. The next one I'll most likely work on is a "sequel" to For Whom the Dark Should Fear, with a working title of "Sake & Metal." After that, I'm going to work on one currently titled "emo-tacular." Yes, it's a terrible name, no it will not suck.
After that one, a song called "ShadowScape." And after that, a remake of "Astral Eclipse." And after that, well...
Hopefully by then I'll be a SHIT-LOAD better than I am now, and will be ready to work on the song I bought FL to create in the first place, a song called "All Things Ending." It shall (hopefully) feature a live chorus, someone to sing it, and just an all-around kick-ass mother-lickin' song.

So, there you have it.

That's it.

For now.


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23,265 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Shiny Medal 10 Points

Be proud, as it is really, really shiny.

Erana Was Here 10 Points

Visit again the once defiled place.

Catching Fire 10 Points

You defeated a fiery eusocial insect without dying. Nice.

First Croaks 5 Points

You inflated a frog so much it blew up. Good thing it wasn't a real frog...

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Jade Cured 100 Points

Jade is Cured!

Medicine Jar 50 Points

Obtained Medicine Jar

Keycard 50 Points

Purchased Keycard

Moonstone 50 Points

Obtained Moonstone

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